Paper Reading: Towards Data-Efficient Detection Transformers

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Detection transformers (like DETR) are data-hungry, the performance of detection transformers drops significantly on small training dataset.

Detection transformers:

  • DETR: Basic end to end solution
  • Deformable DETR, CondDETR : Concern on alleviating the slow convergence problem of DETR
  • The frameworks follow the label assignment approach of DETR

Data-Efficiency of VIT:

  • DeiT: knowledge distillation from pre-trained CNNs ……


Difference Analysis of RCNNs and DETRs(Analysis)

Transform Sparse RCNN to DETR by replacing/adding/removing the components (Ablation experiment). The details are in 3.2.
—> 3 key factors:
(a) sparse feature sampling from local regions, e.g., using RoIAlign
(b) multi-scale features which depend on sparse feature sampling to be compu-tationally feasible
(c) prediction relative to initial spatial priors

(a) and (c) help the model to focus on local object regions and alleviate the re-quirement of learning locality from a large amount of data, while (b) facilitates a more comprehensive utilization and enhancement of the image features, though it also relies on sparse features. —-> local features are important to data-efficiency

Improve Data-efficiency

  • Sample the local features under the guidance of the former decoder layer.
  • concatenated to the high-resolution features extracted by the backbone. (Multi-scale features)
    The above 2 methods are peroformed on key and value sent to decoder
  • Label Augmentation: repeat the labels of each foreground —> enhance positive supervision signal




Reading Summary

What is the contribution/novelty?

  • Proved that local features are important to data-efficiency
  • proposed sparse feature sampling and incorporated multi-scale feature to improve data-efficiency
  • Label augmation strategy

What is the existing issue?

Deformable DETR has better $AP_S$ in Table 2. but a lower $AP_L$ comparing to DELA-CondDETR, although they both concern on the local ans sparse features. How can we combine the pros of the two methods (by improve the attention module and decoder key/value generation, can be inspired from YSLAO?)? (Although it is not the focus of this paper).